Concept art task: Composition

The composition method I used is called cross to show the layout of the image’s centre lines.

Halo 3.png

Here is a piece of art work from “Bungie” back in 2007 after they made Halo 3 as you can see the smoke on the top left leads down to the main character of this piece along with the glow in the bottom half and some of the structures. This is an effective way of showing the main subject of the image since multiple objects are pointing at him.

This image from the Witcher 3 made by “CD project red” used this piece of art as a promotional piece and like the art from Halo 3 multiple items point at our main character. First would be the mast, the second the monster about to attack him from behind. Also yet again the character or characters in this case is not on the centre line of the image.

Withcer 3.png

Figure 1:

Game: Halo 3, Microsoft, Bungie,://

Image 10

Figure 2:

Game: The Witcher 3 wild hunt, Cd project red,


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